Consulting services

Accelerate your company’s growth and capture opportunities with a consumer packaging industry expert

Benefit from a tailor-made consultancy to develop your business worldwide

My consultancy offer

  • Market Intelligence

    Get in-depth market information and the right recommendations about worldwide markets for the consumer packaging industry in the metal, aerosol, glass and plastic industries.

  • M&A consulting

    Make successful mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, investment or a sale with the help of strategy and transaction management in the consumer packaging industry.

  • R&D Innovation Strategy

    Meet your growth challenges with a suitable strategy and develop a new or improve an existing product, business model, service, innovation process or organisation.

We worked together


“Disputes among herbal tea brands, continuing growth in canned beers and new decorating technology show that the canned-drinks market in China is as exciting as ever”

— “Always something new” - April 30, 2018

“The consumer growth trend in China for metal cans continues unabated, both in soft drinks and in beer, while in the food can market, growth is developing at a respectable rate”

— “Consolidation, cost reduction and differentiation in the Chinese market” - July 3, 2017

Richard Moore for The Canmaker

Do you have a specific growth project in mind?